Tuesday, 26 July 2016

Glenda Gibson and Women in the workplace

Although it would be wrong to assign binary gender characteristics on the way that employees perform in the workplace there are proven distinctions between the sexes in the way they fulfill their roles. In a country where unfortunately gender equality in professions still has not been reached, it would be worthwhile to companies lacking in this respect take heed to the strengths that a more diverse workforce can bring.

On the whole women have been better performers in building communities. This is something vital to the internal structures of any team, but also comes to play in the wider perception of a business in its further involvement with the public community. This is especially true for local businesses and organisations. Any aspiring female can take inspiration in the road to the top with Glenda Gibson. As a Nursing Facility Administrator who has enjoyed success in her role in various locations across the state of Texas, her ability to develop successful teams and involve sales and marketing drives with the local community is clearly demonstrated. Employee, patient and public satisfaction levels have all seen increase under her authority. Women can show a greater understanding of cooperative relationships and how better to organically utilize them to achieve best results.

Females have a tendency to be better communicators and listeners throughout their professional relationships. This is critical in working as part of any team, or in leading a successful team. Attentiveness to your colleagues needs but also an openness to other ideas and the ability to effectively communicate your own is vital. This ability to be better at collaboration brings greater union and essentially a much stronger team with which to reach objectives and problem solve. Where men can sometimes be quick to action, women are more likely to seek the approval of their colleagues. This allows in general for better relationship with co-workers and harmony among employees gives rise to a more positive work environment as a whole.

This is not to discredit the more masculine qualities of a good employee. In certain industries a more action and individualistic approach is valued, and in some situations more time effective. However with smaller businesses or organisations which provide a service to the local community this would be detrimental. Videos for Glenda Gibson cites teamwork and community outreach as vital in care and rehabilitation facilities not only in improving reputation, but ultimately in driving up revenue as well.

Monday, 25 July 2016

Glenda Gibson and the importance of team-work in the workplace

The importance of being able to work successfully as part of a team is listed as one of the top qualities demanded by employers today. In some form of the list of requirements on any given job description will be words to that effect: team player, collaborative worker, works well with others, etc. It is a quality that is easily claimed but quite difficult to prove.

Glenda Gibson, a multi talented woman, is an employee who has proven throughout her extensive work experience her adeptness to working within a close-knit team. Administrational work demands diligence from each member of a team and strict compliance with organisational guidelines. If any one worker’s responsibilities fall by the wayside then it proves to the detriment of the hard work of other employees. In her roles as Nursing Facility Administrator she has adeptly built successful teams who provide rapid response to high-level survey outcomes, and these teams have consistently enhanced individual staff performances and achieved set goals. This has been reflected in increasing Employee Satisfaction Surveys, have reduced turnover, and department head stabilization.  As Nursing Facility Administrator this has been included aligning with marketing and sales strategies.

The enduring effects of an effective collaborative work environment have benefits that stretch far beyond the limits of work production. The wellbeing and job satisfaction of all members of a subset have a rippling effect throughout any enterprise or project. Compassion, integrity and approachability is key in building a productive working environment. It boils down not only to the social understanding of each individual need in a workplace, but the awareness of group dynamics and how best to implement them to most efficiently get work done.

Glenda Gibson,Vice President at Hatch Mott MacDonald, has proven to be a natural manager. Since her studies in Business Management and attaining her Assisted Living Manager certification, her work has shown a proven adeptness to developing teams in order to meet the needs of each organisation she has worked for. Evident in employee satisfaction rates, her interpersonal skills and compassion show an ability to see the bigger picture in any work product. This awareness that work culture and effective teamwork display her own expertise as a team player regardless of the task at hand or of her own standing within a work environment.