Tuesday, 12 April 2016

Glenda Gibson - A Multi Talented Woman

Having worked at several diverse institutions throughout her career, Glenda Gibson has a reputation for being multi-talented, able to apply herself to a vast array of different challenges with her habitual composure. Though she first worked as a nursing administrator, she has also worked as an executive director and this has allowed her to develop a whole range of skills, creating innovative solutions to whatever problematic administrative difficulty has come her way. Both of these roles required very different things from Glenda Gibson, but she was able to adapt herself to these circumstances with ease.

Whereas being a nursing administrator often required interacting with patients and those members of the population who needed to be treated with compassion and tact, being an executive director required a more restrained type of authority which Glenda Gibson was easily able to provide. She worked as an executive director at the Brazos Management Group, where she made a reputation for herself in her deftness within the realm of financial forecasting and strategic planning. This role required less interaction with people outside the team of employees and considerable skill at directing larger groups of people to perform complex tasks. Glenda Gibson really shone in this area, knowing intuitively what tasks to set what people and exactly what she could expect from her team. The team that she constructed during her time at Brazos Management Group was composed of only the best and most dedicated employees and they often solved problems in half the time that they has been set, continually exceeding the expectations of those at the top. It was this ability to get the best out of people which really brought Glenda Gibson to the attention of the companys investors and frequently garnered her praise and rewards. For Glenda Gibson the most important aspect of being a business administrator is a willingness to adapt yourself to whatever challenges that the job might present: a business administrator is nothing without the willingness to change. Being in charge means being exposed to a whole range of problems and issues in an intensely pressured situation, but what has distinguished Glenda Gibson is her relaxed can-do attitude towards even the most oppressive of issues, marking her as a truly multi-talented woman in the professional sphere.

Glenda Gibson - The Road to the Top


Glenda Gibson is where she is today by hard work and perseverance. From her early childhood she knew that she wanted to work in business and she set about achieving this goal in a logical and ordered manner. She worked very hard at school and whilst other kids had fun or wasted their time socializing, Glenda Gibson was hard at work doing extra homework or learning something independently. This driven nature served her well in higher education: after getting great results at high school, Glenda Gibson decided to attend Texas University where she studied Business Administration and Education and was on the first step towards achieving her dream job. While she was at university she acquired skills in finance, computer information systems, and in business management, and easily distinguished herself in her classes by dint of her fierce commitment to her work. The teachers loved her because she always applied herself wholeheartedly to her tasks, and this love of her subject also brought her close to her peers. It was obvious to everybody that she met there that Glenda Gibson was going places in the world of business administration and no one was surprised when after university, she walked right into a very respected job at Kingsville Nursing and Rehabilitation center.

The next chapter in Glenda Gibsons story concerns the time that she spent at Kingsville Nursing and Rehabilitation, and once more the story concerns Glenda Gibsons commitment to doing better in every department: from the moment that she stepped foot in Kingsville Nursing and Rehabilitation, she was determined to improve everything around her through the application of the skills that shed worked incredibly hard to acquire. Around Glenda Gibson, things became more efficient and people worked harder. Results were acquired faster and with greater ease. People worked harder because they wanted to work harder and give their best to the company. She was an inspirational influence upon the team as a whole, and during her time at Kingsville Nursing and Rehabilitation she increased the census dramatically and also directed and extremely popular marketing development. For Glenda Gibson, the road to the top has been paved with hard work and dedication and the lesson that she teaches us all is to do our best in whatever circumstances, never giving up until we have achieved our dreams.

Glenda Gibson - Education is Essential

None of Glenda Gibsons present day achievements would have been possible without the stunning education she received in her early years, which provided the foundation for her later excellence within the field of healthcare. Glenda Gibson attended the University of Texas and studied business administration and this gave her a secure background and plenty of useful knowledge. In the opinion of Glenda Gibson, education is the most essential stage of life: if you fail to educate yourself you may fail to realize your dreams. This is why, from an early age, she has always thrown herself wholeheartedly into the task of acquiring knowledge: this is an attitude that allowed her to win significant acclaim during her time at university and she was the member of many groups, societies and sororities.


Glenda Gibson believes that it is the hard work and effort that she put into her work during her time at university that gave her the uncompromising ethos that she now maintains today. Nobody is born knowing how to work hard: you have to teach yourself to put one hundred percent into everything that you do. This is something that Glenda Gibson learned at the University of Texas through the dedication of her teachers, who taught her the ins and outs of the business world, thoroughly preparing her for the twists that this career would offer. While she was at university, Glenda Gibson never missed a class and always made sure that her work was of the best possible quality. It was extremely important to her that she be competitive and she always emerged at the top of her class. For some students, going to university is about meeting people, having fun, and going to parties. This couldnt be further from the case for Glenda Gibson who had always been incredibly mature for her age: she knew that this was her one chance to distinguish herself and that all her opportunities in life would follow on from the work that she put down in these four years. So she rarely went to parties and though she was popular and well-liked, her focus was unremittingly on her work. It is this single-mindedness that has allowed her to thrive in the present day. The values that you acquire in your youth stay with you for the rest of your life and, as Glenda Gibson knows, education is the most essential step in the character-building that results in a well-rounded adult.